ত্রিশালে তামাক নিয়ন্ত্রণ আইন বাস্তবায়নে মতবিনিময় সভা ত্রিশাল পৌরসভার মেয়র পদে আমিন সরকারের বিজয় চাঞ্চল্যকর ধর্ষণ মামলার প্রধান আসামি সোহেল গ্রেফতার ময়মনসিংহে ২ কেজি গাঁজাসহ একজন গ্রেফতার জাককানইবি সাংবাদিক সমিতির সভাপতি ফাহাদ, সম্পাদক আসলাম জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন ৭ জানুয়ারি আজ সন্ধ্যা ৭টায় সিইসির ভাষণের মাধ্যমে তফসিল ঘোষণা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্কে আফ্রিকার প্রাণী নীলগাই, জেব্রা ও কমনইল্যান্ড পরিবারে যুক্ত হলো পাঁচ নতুন ত্রিশালের সাখুয়া ইউনিয়ন ছাত্রলীগের সভাপতি রিফাত ও সম্পাদক রিজন জয়পুরহাটের কালাইয়ে বর্ণাঢ্য আয়োজনে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর জন্মদিন পালিত

Govt job preparation at home with LIVE MCQ App

Mehedi Jaman Lijon
  • আপডেট শনিবার, ৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২৪
  • ১২১ দেখেছে

A large part of the educated youth of the country aim for government jobs. Hence there is huge competition in almost every job exam  And the preparation to participate in this job competition is going to be done in the app.

Currently LIVE MCQ app is the biggest preliminary platform in Bangladesh for government jobs This app has the opportunity to prepare for all government jobs exams including BCS, Bank, Primary, 9th-20th grade government jobs, NTRCA.

Thousands of unemployed job aspirants of the country are securing various government jobs of the country including BCS cadre, bank officers, primary teachers by preparing for the job through LIVE MCQ since 2017. LIVE MCQ offers various attractive gifts including i-Pad, cash to their users through various contests.

App Usage Rules:

 Website – https://livemcq.com/app Download the app and login directly with Gmail or Facebook. – Select the button you want to test.

– View the routine from the “Routine” section of your selected button.

– View and study Syllabus/Topic by clicking on “Syllabus” button to view exam topics.

– Take the exam as per the routine from the “Start Live Exam” button on the specified day

– Check the result from the “Result” section of the same button on the next day of the exam date.

– If you cannot take any test according to the routine, check the question from “Archive” later or take the test.

Arrangement of live classes?

Live MCQ has different live video classes on different topics, you can see the schedule of upcoming live classes in the routine button of Video Section. Besides, you can view the video lectures of many subjects that have already been completed by entering the specific subject button of the Video Section.

What courses are in this app?

You can prepare for BCS preli, subject care, bank preparation, job solution, 9th-20th grade preparation, NTRCA and other government job exams including primary from this one platform.

Package and Features of the App:

 With any one of the four regular packages (1 year, 6 months, 3 months and 1 month), you get all the routine exams of apps including BCS Preli, Bank, Job Solution, NTRCA and Primary as well as Smart Search, Dynamic Panel, Topics Guru, Job Get access to all premium sections of the app including Solutions. And there are live interactive classes and video lectures available under the 1 year and 6 month package. You can also read and participate in the exam together to refine your job preparation through study groups on the app. Also Live MCQ as a free service

Free Weekly Full Model Test is held every Friday. Average attendance is 9-10 thousand people. About 50-60% of all classes are free for all video classes for primary teacher recruitment, BCS and other job preparation. All important lectures given in PDF section of Live MCQ are free for all. After installing Live MCQ app a new user is getting all our services free for 7 days.

What are the gifts?

Also monthly live MCQs are given as cash prizes to the official study group members. In August, 80-100% of the exam participants will be given an i-Pad gift through a lottery. Cash prizes were also awarded to participants as jackpot prizes in previous months.

About 1 lakh 50 thousand cash gifts were given in 44th BCS as jackpot gift. The members of the two study groups after the highest BCS preliminaries have been gifted more than 1 lakh tk.

It is known that this app is a one stop solution for all career related matters to ensure complete solution of all career related matters on a single platform. The top educated population of the country i.e. the job aspirants with graduation and post graduation degrees have more than 7 lakh users of Live MCQ app.

Mehedi Hasan Farhad, Chief Executive Officer of CrackTech Limited, the managing company of Live MCQ, said about the future plans – “To build a career consulting platform with Live MCQ, Live Written, Medical Higher Study and the part of CrackTech Limited where career A complete solution to any problem is available. Besides, the objective of Cracktech Limited as a company is to create employment opportunities as well as to create skilled human resources.”


Mehedi Jaman Lijon

Trishal, Mymensingh.


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